With an average annual catch of 50,000 metric tons and more than 4,200 fishers, Mahi-Mahi is one of Peru’s most important artisanal fisheries. WWF and its partners have been supporting this Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) since 2013. The active involvement of FIP stakeholders helps driving improvements against the Marine Stewardship Council standard and ensuring the sustainability of the species.

This video takes us on a tour inside capacity-building workshops in La Tortuga, La Islilla, and San Jose, where fishing cooperatives, which recently received Mahi-Mahi fishing permits, are being trained on the use of a smart application for documenting landings using mobile phones. The use of this smart documentation system helps ensuring that the catch comes from legal origins, and provides valuable traceability data for the Peruvian Ministry of Production (PRODUCE).

To learn more about this FIP, visit the Peru Mahi fishery improvement project profile.