Partners for ten years, Sodexo and WWF renewed their commitment today to reduce Sodexo’s environmental impact and achieve its carbon reduction target. The renewal of the partnership is a part of Sodexo’s Better Tomorrow 2025 corporate responsibility roadmap.

Since 2010, WWF has been supporting Sodexo to improve its sustainable food offer and sourcing practices. The partnership pairs WWF’s technical expertise and thought leadership on sustainability with Sodexo’s global market to protect and conserve the Earth’s resources by reducing the impact of Sodexo’s operations on the environment. WWF’s partnership with Sodexo presents an opportunity to make a positive impact on the health of the planet as well as the health of Sodexo’s consumers – and to drive larger changes in the food system.

One of the key pillars of this partnership is for WWF and Sodexo to continue their work on the responsible sourcing of seafood. Sodexo was the first catering company to develop a Global Sustainable Seafood Sourcing strategy, and it has been implemented in all countries where Sodexo has a presence.

“We are delighted to renew this partnership with Sodexo, a long-standing partner of WWF, and a leader in Quality of Life services. This is an opportunity to continue making a positive impact on the health of the planet and its seafood resources and to drive larger changes in the food system by leveraging Sodexo’s influence on the food services industry worldwide.”

Michael Griff, Seafood Markets Manager at World Wildlife Fund.

Looking forward, the group will continue supporting Comprehensive Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs) and Aquaculture Improvement Projects (AIPs), as well as engaging in key priority areas such as benchmarking accreditation programs including certifications through the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certifications and pre-competitive platforms that are critical to the seafood sustainability movement. Working alongside WWF, the company will also support key advocacy initiatives, including those important for advancing tuna conservation globally. Additionally, Sodexo will work with the WWF over the coming year to mitigate negative impacts while protecting both people and nature.

“After 10 years of successful collaboration, we are thrilled to renew our global partnership with WWF. Working with WWF has enabled us to set credible, science-based, and ambitious targets to align and drive our environmental efforts all across Sodexo. As we start this next chapter of our journey together, we will continue to aim to reduce our environmental impact and provide more sustainable options for our consumers, while striving to move the needle and bring about much needed change throughout the industry. The complex challenges we face today require us to collaborate to find solutions, and to work with the full range of stakeholders, whether NGOs like WWF, our suppliers, our clients, and other partners.”

Maria Outters, Group SVP Corporate Responsibility at Sodexo (in a recent press release).